My husband's work had a 90% off clearance sale one day a few months ago. I couldn't shop at it, but he picked me up 20 yards of Organza. I've never worked with it before and wasn't sure what I'd eventually create out of it, but this morning I finally figured it out. I'm no longer a tutu virgin. All of us who craft, or who have young daughters know how trendy these pretty little things are right now... and there are some REALLY gorgeous tutus out there! This is my first one - it's taken a ton of tying, trimming, tweaking (and it's very basic) but I've finally gotten it to the point where I am slightly satisfied. I have so many ideas running through my head for bank account better watch out!
Did I mention that Kaitlynn can be a bit corny at times?
Kaitlynn obviously loves it. Looks like a lot of work, but I'm glad you found a project for all that organza. :)
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